so many people are going to want to know what’s going on WITH YOUR CHILD’S CANCER DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT, and you’re not going to have the bandwiDth or headspace to respond to all of them. Do yourself a favour, and set up a system for communicating.

There are a million questions that come with cancer, but the two most popular seem to be “How did you know?” and the other, often skirted about hesitantly until someone is brave enough to ask, “What is the survival prognosis?”

You don’t want to keep reliving diagnosis by answering those questions. You don’t want to keep repeating where things are up to, to every interested party. The way to get in front of people’s questions, and to keep your energy protected so you can focus on the real work - supporting your child through the hardest journey of your collective lives - is to set up a system for communicating and, preferably, put someone else that you trust in charge of managing it.


An article for parents of a child with cancer on appointing a Director of Communications

appoint someone to communicate for you

There is an awful lot to be said for giving someone else the job of “mouth piece to the masses” about how things are going. You won’t have to keep reliving, or repeating, where everything is up to.

Here’s how to ask someone to do this job, and some parameters you might want to put around it.